Minecraft is getting two new biomes in early June with the Wild Update – Gaming – News

Mojang Studios will release the Minecraft Wild update on June 7 for both Bedrock and Java versions of the game. Update 1.19 introduces new blocks and two new biomes for Overworld among other things.

First new biome Update 1.19 An addition to Minecraft is Mangrove Swamp. This swampy area is full of mangroves. In this area also a new mass of clay. Players can also create this block by dirt and water to collect. The biome is also the home of the first frog mob With a child version other than the adult version. The animal begins as a tadpole.

In addition, the upcoming update will introduce the Deep Dark biome, the deepest environment to date in Minecraft. The prospective biome was originally supposed to be with Split update in half of the cliffs and caves are being added. The Deep Dark environment is located below the deepest point of the outer world, y = 0 coordinate; at recent days Foundation stoneMove the bricks to -64 y coordinate. Here players can face the already added Warden, a beast that is blind and drawn to the sounds. Warden guards special areas where players can find loot chests.

Finally, the Wild Update introduces a boat with a storage chest and a new mob, Alai. This creature can carry one stack of blocks or items to the player and can be directed to search and retrieve a specific object.

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