Meta announces Quest 3 VR Goggles for Fall release Gaming News

Meta announced the Quest 3, a pair of virtual reality glasses that will be more powerful and thinner than the Quest 2. The new glasses will also have higher resolution screens and color cameras. The company will announce more about the glasses at the end of September.

Quest 3 will get Snapdragon soc, just like its predecessor, But the meta does not say what is it about. The soc’s GPU is said to be twice as powerful as the one in the XR2 that the Meta uses in the Quest 2. The company also says that the resolution of the screens has been increased without going into detail. The Quest 2’s LCD screens have a resolution of 1832×1920 pixels per eye. Meta also says that the glasses will be forty percent thinner, which will improve comfort.

The new glasses will contain color cameras to see the outside world with virtual reality glasses. Meta wants to use these cameras for mixed reality applications, where virtual objects are projected onto the physical world. The company shows an example of a person playing a virtual tabletop game on an actual table.

Like Quest 2, Quest 3 is also getting controllers, which Meta says is an improvement. Meta talks about lightweight Touch Plus controllers with haptic feedback. Controllers contain triggers, joysticks, and buttons. They no longer have tracking loops, as they are no longer needed due to “improvements in tracking technology”. The headset can also handle Touch Pro controllers and supports hand tracking.

Meta says the glasses will go on sale from $499, converted with VAT, that’s €563. The glasses should appear in the fall also in Belgium and the Netherlands. The headset comes with 128GB of storage as standard, though the company will also offer glasses with more storage for a fee. She says she wants to share more about the glasses at the Connect Expo on September 27th.

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