Matthijs van Nieuwkerk is slowly coming back: after the book presentation of Eus now also the CD presentation Anouk | Displays

Matthijs van Nieuwkerk is slowly coming back: after the book presentation of Eus now also the CD presentation Anouk |  Displays

Mathias van Newkirk can’t do anything at the public broadcaster at the moment, but the TV presenter is now working to get back into the public eye. Last Monday, Van Newkirk (63 years old) received the first copy of Ozcan Akyol’s new book, and at the end of this month he will host a presentation of Anouk’s album.

Although these are private events, Mathias van Nieuwkerk not only shows himself in public, but also does not shy away from an official role. Broadcaster who recently appeared on Interview to NRC Handelsblad It responded widely for the first time The hype about work culture bee The world goes onhad a ceremonial function at the book presentation of our columnist Ozkan Akyol, at the presentation of Anouk’s album Dina and Jim The official host will be on October 30 in Amsterdam.

a report

It is not known whether Van Nieuwkirk will return to the nonprofit, but the public broadcaster wants to wait for the Van Rijn Commission’s report first. Which The committee will come later this year With the results of a study on the work culture in public radio. Van Nieuwkerk will not be allowed to begin work until this report is available.

Akyol spoke at his book presentation Exit 23 vs Today inside That Van Nieuwkirk should be “normalized a little bit again.” “It’s simply part of this and I want to convey that. Why don’t I invite that guy? Because he’s controversial among some people, a very small part of the Netherlands? Please let’s stop this.”

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A number of famous Dutch people were accused of inappropriate behavior last year (video):

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