Massa is box office stars Peter Gillies and Nicole Kramers respond to her ‘cheating’ | gossip

Massa is box office stars Peter Gillies and Nicole Kramers respond to her ‘cheating’ |  gossip

The photo in question appeared online on Monday and was said to have been taken during the carnival. Stories about the breakup soon followed, but according to Brabant’s real-life group, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. Let the two know secretly That the kiss happened in a gay bar with a good friend of Nicole.

In a video call with Show news Nicole delves a little deeper into it. “In a gay bar I feel safe and fun, there are all the gay guys around. One of those guys is kind of mine. best gay He always kisses me straight from my mouth. Yes, and if a picture is taken of that, including the following gossip, that is very unfortunate, I think.”

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There are also rumors that Nicole has skated skewed with folk singer Ferre de Lets. She would appear with him in a Snapchat video. Holiday park president Peter says of it: “The ferry, right next to the park, serves at some of the catering establishments we visit. Then Nicol sometimes takes a selfie with him, or they do something for Snapchat. And then it’s instantly like: ‘They have something together”. “

It’s a mystery to the couple how the rumors of cheating and separation arose. “I don’t understand where all this is coming from… all envy!” “And jealousy,” adds Nicole.

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