Man faces ‘burning pain’ after accidentally using wet wipes for toilet seats for days | Abroad

Man faces ‘burning pain’ after accidentally using wet wipes for toilet seats for days |  Abroad

Leon Ice, 29, is a truck driver and is often away from home. While on vacation recently, he developed “burning pain” in his buttocks. The reason soon became clear.

He bought his girlfriend Sadie Williams Tesco Active Washable Wipes In a Tesco supermarket in Rica, South Wales, he placed it near the bathroom at home. A few days later and several toilet visits afterward, Lion Ice developed a nasty rash.

Tissue dedicated to the toilet itself

The wipes in question are there to disinfect the toilet and especially the toilet seat. So it’s not about the well-known wet wipes with which to clean baby’s bottoms, among other things.

Leon could laugh about it in the meantime, but he was very upset with him for a few days. “When I was in pain, I knew something wasn’t right and when I checked the packaging, she said, ‘It kills 99 percent of the bacteria.'”

His wife says she doesn’t understand “how he can be so stupid”. However, together they decided to ask the producer in a letter if it could not be stated more explicitly on the packaging that it is a maintenance product and not wet wipes. There has been no response from the Tesco supermarket chain at the moment.

Leon’s burning pain was now gone.

the bad person

the bad person

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