Qmusic, KINK, and NPO Radio 1 have the largest market share in the 20-49-year-old target group. The group aged between 20 and 49 years is the most important target group for commercial channels. Radio 538 saw a significant drop in its market share: from 15.8 to 13.8 percent.
No station has captured as much market share in the 20-49 target group as Qmusic: +1.7 percentage points in one year. KINK has the best cards, with an increase of 0.7 percentage points. This is a 64 percent growth over the same period last year.
Michael Finstra, KINK’s director of programs, says he’s “very proud” of the listening personalities. “They were partially helped by KINK Album Top 1000” They’re Now all the time. With the ’90s at KINK next week, and the KINK 1500 in two months, we’re ready for good numbers in the fall.”
Market leader in 10+
Qmusic already longer time The market leader in the target group 20-49 years. But also in the general target group (+10) the station, the market leader NPO Radio 2, is increasingly swinging. In terms of absolute reach, so not expressed in percentages, Qmusic is already the market leader: 2,793,000 listeners tune in to the station weekly. “All in all, it’s Qmusic’s Sweet Sixteen,” the channel says, referring to Qmusic’s sixteenth anniversary.
Photo: Qmusic | Joeri van Breukelen
“Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Freelance organizer. Avid analyst. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon junkie.”