Linda De Mol lied to ambulance workers about pain to avoid having to reveal her weight | Displays

Linda De Mol lied to ambulance workers about pain to avoid having to reveal her weight |  Displays

Passing out from the pain for a moment and then saying it’s “not so bad” so you don’t have to reveal your weight. Linda de Mol can talk about that, she says in the introduction to her magazine. After her violent fall last summer, the broadcaster did not dare tell the ambulance crew how many kilograms she weighed. “Just take some paracetamol.”

Broadcaster Linda De Mol (59) She broke her left ankle in July After her unfortunate fall from an outdoor staircase, she also sustained bruises on her right foot. She was having dinner with a former colleague, and she brought her two Labrador puppies, and when she wanted to walk one of the dogs, she made a mistake. The pain is “overwhelming” and she loses consciousness for a moment. When she arrives and it becomes clear that she can no longer stand on her feet, an ambulance is called.

Intro to the new Linda She now recalls the moment when care workers knelt on the floor next to her, and a few people stood around her holding a cup of water. “Do you want something for the pain?” asks the largest ambulance worker. “Yes, very much,” I say, my voice trembling. “Then I want to know how much you weigh, to get the correct dose.” I look around and say: “The pain is actually not too bad, just take some paracetamol.”

absence of security

From the moment she appeared on television, her biggest insecurity has always been her weight, De Mol wrote. Comments have been made on this topic throughout her career. “I’m trying to rise above it, I’m trying Body confident I’m trying to convey that at 59 years old, I don’t let things like this eat away at my self-confidence anymore, but it’s still a delicate matter. “This sometimes leads to dangerous situations.”

For example, years ago, during a trip to New York with her then-young children, she lied about her weight as she took a helicopter ride atop the Statue of Liberty. “I froze and lost at least eight full kilograms in one second,” she writes. Then she couldn’t enjoy the entire ride for a second. “Because I was panicking waiting for the red flashing light with the text Excess Perhaps this indicates that we should return immediately. “

Overall, de Mol concludes, it would be better if people – especially women – did not always judge each other.

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