Let’s play Forza Horizon 5 “Is Mexico fat for a racing match?”

Let's play Forza Horizon 5 "Is Mexico fat for a racing match?"

Today we will play a game. And not just anyone. It’s a new game, it’s going fast, it’s sunny and fast and it’s coming to Xbox Game Pass. Then of course we can only talk about one address. and that is Forza Horizon 5. It’s the fifth in the series and this time we’re diving in with torn tires in Mexico. During the E3 period, this was graphically the most beautiful game we’ve seen. With the distance, Koos and Skate picked a big bowl and went wild. What is the experience for them? What is their first impression of the graphics and of course the gameplay that Forza is famous for. Will this get any better than Part 4? You’ll see it all in Let’s Play today.

The new part is set in Mexico

The world of Forza Horizon is all about one thing. Go to the other side of the map as quickly as possible. Scan the map with many different activities and choose the coolest cars. How about the new part? Does it include some new activities? Is there an innovation? Or will this be more of a Forza Horizon 4 with enhanced next-gen graphics? In addition, we quickly browse through the various elements of the game. With questions of course like How is the new map? Are there new car brands?

What are the races like in Forza Horizon 5

Obviously, Koos and Skate are also talking about the most important element of the game. Then we talk about racing. Is he fat? And how do we actually play the game? Would we rather play it in an FPS, or actually a third person so we can see the big chest well? How will we continue to play the game? Do you prefer with the controller or in racing mode really with the steering wheel? It promises to be an informative element. One where we’ll drop the rule for review arriving next week. You can see it all in Let’s play van Forza Horizon 5.

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