Large-scale protests against AfD leadership in Essen

Demonstrators in the city of Essen

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Thousands of people demonstrated this morning against the AfD summit in Essen. They tried to prevent politicians from the far-right party from reaching the conference center.

The police escorted a number of AfD members from the hotel where they were staying to the party leadership. Other party members were able to reach the convention center on their own without any problems. Throughout the city, demonstrators tried to block roads.

The AfD won a landslide victory in the recent European elections, despite a series of scandals surrounding the party. For example, one of the party’s leaders used a Nazi slogan, and European candidate Maximilian Krah belittled the SS. He was expelled from the faction. There are also investigations into AfD members who allegedly accepted money from Russia.


The demonstrators say that there is no place for the far right and fascism in Germany. Yesterday, anti-AfD celebrations were held before the start of the summit, which went off without a hitch. The city of Essen also tried to get rid of the party leadership, but was forced to do so after a legal battle Stop resistance.

The organization called for a peaceful protest. However, some masked men clashed with the police. Use batons and pepper spray. It is not known how many people were arrested.

The party leadership has finally been able to get going. The party leaders, Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla, are hoping to be re-elected today, ahead of next year’s German parliamentary elections. Tomorrow, on the second day of the party summit, thousands of protesters are expected to demonstrate again in Essen.

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