KLM cancels twelve more flights due to staff shortage | the interior

KLM cancels twelve more flights due to staff shortage |  the interior

KLM Airlines canceled a dozen more flights today due to staff shortages. A spokeswoman says it is about flights within Europe. This is in addition to 42 previously canceled flights for Sunday. Before Monday, the airline will cancel 28 flights, and therefore 14 return flights, within Europe due to staff shortages.

Like other airlines, such as easyJet and subsidiary Transavia, KLM suffers frequently from understaffing, but also from absenteeism due to illness. That’s why the airline recently canceled more flights to ease the workload of employees. This means that not only are there fewer planes departing from Schiphol, but also fewer planes arriving.

Schiphol Airport has again announced that it is also busy at the airport today. It’s just a busy day, as we’ve seen in recent weeks. We are deploying as many colleagues as possible so that all passengers can catch their flight on time.”

Peak day

The pressure gauge on the airport’s website indicates that today is peak day, when passengers have to queue up “significantly longer” at check-in, security and passport control counters. For tomorrow, the barometer indicates a busy day, again in long lines.

Schiphol had previously said it would get busier from the May holidays until the summer, especially on weekends. This can lead to long queues at peak times. Weekends are usually busier than weekdays.

During the May holidays, staff shortages in support services such as security caused chaos at the airport. A wild strike between cargo and baggage handlers disrupted the flight schedule.

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