Katya Schurmann poses for a photo with her new boyfriend for the first time: “Yes, with my love!” † show

Katya Schurmann poses for a photo with her new boyfriend for the first time: “Yes, with my love!”  † show

Katya Schurmann posted a photo on Instagram, Sunday, for the first time, in which the actress appears with her new lover, 29-year-old Nick Schrejvershof.

“Yes, only the best festival! With my friends, and yes, with my sweetheart! ’,” 47-year-old Schuermann writes with the photo, in which she can be seen with a group of friends and Schrijvershof (far right in the photo).

In June, the actress said in her podcast with singer Frederic Spiget that she “wears pink glasses and everything looks so happy and cheerful,” referring to her new boyfriend. “It’s amazing how different the world can be when you’re in a cheery mood,” she concluded.

magazine weekend She actually posted pictures of the two of them sitting on a balcony in April, and although the actress confirmed that the blond guy is her boyfriend, she hasn’t posted pictures of them together before. “I met a very nice man,” she said at the time. Show news About the pictures you started. “But I can’t say anything else about that.”

Katya was previously married to actor Thijs Römer, with whom she had a daughter, Sammie. In 2020, she welcomed her daughter Coco with chef Frick van Nortwick, whom she married a year earlier. last year divorced The two. Despite the interval hard arrivedThe actress indicated that she believes in unrelenting love.

Also listen to AD Media Podcast. Taking a look back at the TV season, kudos to Renze Klamer and Rob Kemps’ new presentation job.

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