Is the end of Rutte IV in sight? Who still believes in this government?

Is the end of Rutte IV in sight?  Who still believes in this government?

Yesterday VVD, SP and ChristenUnie held their conference. That was hard at the VVD. Mark Rutte does not want to let the Cabinet fall at any cost. “We are tireless,” said the party leader somewhat angrily during the liberal open day of the VVD party. She understands Rutte’s annoyance, Mona Kegezer, former CDA State Secretary, says on WNL Op Zondag.

Keijzer, who himself lived in The Hague for more than ten years, says of Rutte: “He was tormented because he realized that the ball was being cheated on this subject.” Asylum law itself, Kygeszer argues, is built on very good principles that are contained in international treaties, but it is precisely this that makes it difficult for the Cabinet to do anything about.

Henk Kamp said last week on NPO Radio 1’s Sven Op 1 that we should cancel treaties if necessary, but Keijzer doesn’t feel like it right away. “That sounds very firm. I think you should go in that direction, but that doesn’t mean you give up on the civilization that is in those treaties. You’ll just have to be more honest about what it takes to do something about it.”

See also the ethics of consequences.

According to Keijzer, in addition to the ethics of principle applied here—every immigrant is a human being—the Cabinet must also consider the ethics of consequences. “The biggest losers in this policy are, for example, young Dutch people who have to compete in the housing market, but make no mistake about these refugees who are now stepping into a kind of wheel of fortune and dying in the Mediterranean, but also about its impact.” , as you say. “All the strong and smart young people come here. There is a brain drain.”

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Education Minister Robert Dickgraf (D66) replies that the government is taking a comprehensive look at how it deals with immigration. “This is also study and work,” he says. “We all see the urgency and the problems it causes. I often have conversations in areas where they say they can no longer maintain the facilities.” Dijkgraaf is in favor of the Netherlands also looking at the public picture and that immigration can also have positive effects on the country.

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Promises are not fulfilled

Media entrepreneur Sjuul Paradijs notes that Rutte also made similar promises six months ago at the previous party conference to address the asylum crisis. This resulted in the Distribution Act, but in practice, according to critical party members of the VVD, nothing has happened with it yet. “Rutte has promised so much over the past 12 years, and often nothing happens.”

According to Paradijs, Rutte is a staunch politician who, after twelve years, feels that power is collapsing in all files. Promises were once made to ensure that the poverty trap would disappear. Promises have been made about tax cuts and a reduction in the tax burden and none of that has materialized, he says. “The excuse is: yes, we are in an alliance, but the supporters of the VVD party no longer believe in it. This is dramatic for Root.”

Paradijs believed that this would mean the end of the Rutte IIIV cabinet. “Fundamentally, the government has already gotten off to a complete false start. With that long cabinet line-up, with that bizarre coalition agreement, that repressive climate policy that is in place and that has entrepreneurs terrified and mad.” He wonders aloud who still trusts this government.

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A moderate government is required

Dijkgraaf says there are more problems in the Netherlands that are being put on the cabinet table by the population. “This is a very complicated process with endless talking to each other, lots of counseling, bad coffee, and small rooms. That’s the message we’re also sending to the country.” He says that this government is made up of centrist parties that should cooperate in this way. “Not because we’re used to it, but because we think we’re going to get better solutions. And that’s an important signal, I think, in a world where many countries are choosing a different way.”

There are many people in The Hague with good intentions, Keijser says, but now the situation has reached a dangerous impasse. “Industrialization, interference and digitization lead to legislation that drives people crazy and is impossible to enforce. What we need is a humble government that will take a look: do we really have to be involved in everything?”

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Written by: Matthijs Meulblok

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