Intel fixes high passive utilization for dual-monitor GPUs – PC – News

Intel says it has solved the problem of high power consumption in its Arc GPUs along with the various displays. Under the right conditions, this consumption goes from about 40 to about 9 watts, user reports.

Intel reports this on GitHub. Driver version contains a fix for the issue. Intel offers some Guidelines To bring about improvements primarily associated with Energy management– Institutions. A commenter on GitHub reported that consumption would go from 40 watts max to 9 watts max. also unemployed Consumption with one screen has decreased slightly: from 11 to 7 to 8 watts.

An Intel employee on GitHub wants to moderate expectations somewhat. If users have three or four monitors connected to an Arc GPU, the video cards will still not fit the lower ones required power state to achieve savings.

Tweakers’ tests also showed that Intel’s consumption is on the same level as the largest GPUs from AMD and Nvidia, such as the 7900 XTX and RTX 4090, with three to four times the number of transistors. These aren’t the only teething problems Intel video cards have. There are still gains to be made in the area of ​​3D performance, as measured by our launcher and later drivers comparison benchmark.

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