In development: Police arrest Violetta Menzover, Calixto Majia, Erlinda Handal and other former FMLN officers

In development: Police arrest Violetta Menzover, Calixto Majia, Erlinda Handal and other former FMLN officers

The Attorney General’s Office called a press conference, calling it “Operation Fraud.”

In an extraordinary event and without further explanation, Violeta Menzover, the former mayor of San Salvador and Minister of Public Health, was detained by members of the police, along with FMLN faction leader Nidia Diaz and the party’s former vice president, Santiago Flores. Other former FMLN officers were also arrested.

The Attorney General’s Office has arrested a press conference, which has been dubbed “Operation Fraud”.

Along with Menzo, Erlinda Handel, the sister of former deputy Shafiq Handel, has also been detained, Theas explained on her Twitter account. Handal served as Deputy Minister of Science and Technology in the Salvador Sanchez Seron government.

Lorena Pena, the former FMLN vice president, also took to Twitter to denounce the capture of former Deputy and former Labor Deputy Minister Calixto Mejia; And former Minister of Agriculture Hugo Flores.

Violeta Menzover’s legal representative confirmed the capture of the former health minister. Video: EDH

Menzover has been placed in the BNC’s deputy directorate of intelligence, and his legal representative, Jose Emilio Gonzalez, confirmed that they took their lawyer’s card but did not allow him to enter. Gonzalez denounced the fact that due process was not followed in detaining Menzo.

It has also emerged that there are other arrests, such as former finance minister Carlos Cicero; And Guillermo Lopez Suarez, former Minister of Agriculture during the Funes period.

“Just a few minutes ago our dear doctor Violeta Menzover was detained by the BNC without any explanation; in the same way Comrade Erlinda Handel. We demand that the special comprehensive law on human rights and non-violence be respected,” Thias wrote on his Twitter account.

“I found out they had arrested her an hour ago, I came in, the police had already grabbed my lawyer’s card, they would not let me in, I saw her through the bars, they were photographed without the lawyer, it was clearly a violation of due process, they took my card , I’m going to sign the document, we do not know the reason now, “said Jose Emilio Gonzalez, Menzo’s legal representative.

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Violeta Menzover warned about her capture via WhatsApp

For her part, the former minister’s sister, Soyla Menzover, came to the BNC investigation subcommittee and commented that she was caught after Violeta Menzover sent a message via WhatsApp warning that she was being detained near her home. “They didn’t tell us anything, they didn’t let the lawyer in,” he said.

Diario de Hoi was able to verify with FMLN former vice-president Santiago Flores that Menzover had posted a message on a working WhatsApp group that included the party, which included several members and fighters of FMLN, of which he was the only one Warn about the abbreviated form carried out by the police for no particular reason.

“The police have detained me, they are taking me through the grounds via Avenida Olympica, they are practically waiting for me near the house, I do not know what they are taking me,” said the last thing Menzver could contact, Flores.

Soyla Menjawar, sister of the former health minister. Photo by EDH / Francisco Rubio

He later explained that they had tried to call his mobile number, but the phone only rang and rang, so they could not contact them, so they believe he was taken to a PNC 911 representative.

“Then I spoke to him on the phone again, but when they came to the delegates they took the phone away from them, I knew they could not talk, the phone rang and rang, it didn’t give a big question, what we did was if it was a central representative it might be 911 because they I do not know why, it’s a violation, “said Flores.

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He added that they had told other party colleagues to come forward and search for him as they felt he was violating the rights of the former officer. In it he said he had to watch the game, see what was being done, but first find out what the reason was.

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