“I do not expect that from the ministers in office.”

National Security Council Leader Peter Omtzgut

The word “repopulation” does not fit “in any way with the main agreement.” This is what National Security Council leader Peter Umtsigt said News hour. The party leader assumes that the Minister of Asylum and Immigration, Marjolein Fabre, will not use this term when she joins the new government. “I do not expect such statements from the ministers in office.”

With the finish line approaching, relations between the coalition parties were on the brink again this week. On Thursday, Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders withdrew his proposed nominee for Asylum and Immigration Minister, Geddy Markuszor. During the selection of new ministers, matters emerged that might pose a problem for his performance as minister.

But there has also been buzz around his intended successor, Marjoleine Fabre. Yesterday, VVD leader Dylan Jeselgoz described Faber as “not an uncontroversial candidate.” This statement creates an atmosphere of crisis. The leaders of the four parties meet on the same day for an emergency meeting, with the result that Fabre remains minister-nominee.

Faber is known as a hardliner on asylum and immigration. For example, in 2015 she described Islam as a “hateful ideology” and in 2020 she used the word “repopulation.” When asked if Faber was aware that this was a National Socialist term, she said: “That might be the case. I don’t know, I don’t really care.”

“Not reviewing data”

Umtsigt does not believe that a minister in the new government will say this again. He added: “The government speaks with one mouth, so I cannot imagine that the Council of Ministers will say this.”

Umtzigt’s New Social Contract party has been committed to a strong rule of law since its founding, where citizens are protected against the government. Umtsigt says proposals that contradict the constitution, international law and freedom of religion are inappropriate.

“I expect everyone in the Cabinet to commit to this. If you ask me if I will check whether the 16 ministers in the next government will do this, you will be under no illusions,” the National Security Council leader said.

Faber responded to the uproar over X yesterday:

Umtzigt says these words from Faber reassure him. “We drafted a statement on the rule of law in January, which states that all four parties, including Cabinet members and parliamentarians, will not put forward proposals that contravene the constitution. And that we respect freedom of religion. I am reassured that everyone else will as well.” .


Despite all the bumps in the lineup, Umtsigt still believes he is part of a good government. “I believe this government will solve a number of problems. We want a government that promotes good governance, social security, reducing immigration, and resolving the housing crisis. I believe this government can make progress on all four of these issues.”

Watch the full interview here:

Umtsigt: The word “population displacement” does not fit the main framework agreement

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