HowLongToBeat: Elden Ring is the most complete and most abandoned game of 2022 – gaming -.

According to HowLongToBeat, Elden Ring is the most played but also the most abandoned game since 2022. Nearly 6,000 players reported that they had completed Soulsborne, while around 263 players indicated that they no longer wish to play the game.

Based on Stats from HowLongToBeat The Elden Ring is the most played game to come out in 2022, ahead of Stray, Pokémon Legends: Arceus, and God of War: Ragnarök, among others. At the same time, no game was played as often, according to the statistics provided by members, as the most difficult RPG. The Elden Ring would have been abandoned at least twice as often as Tunic and Pokémon Legends: Arceus and Vampire Surivors. Kotaku Originally.

Numbers should be taken with a grain of salt tomorrow, as gaming platform HowLongToBeat uses stats provided by members to approximate how long it takes to complete a game. No game in 2022 has seen more members say it’s been abandoned than Elden Ring, but there’s no telling what percentage of players who have come to acknowledge their apparent loss on the platform have suffered in silence or only put the game on temporarily.

According to the platform, Elden Ring was also the most popular game in the world Accumulation From users, it has the highest number of user reviews and it turns out to be the longest running game of 2022 on average. HowLongToBeat takes the time to run the main story and side missions and complete them by playing from the game into the account.

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