How will we tear down this wall? – background

How will we tear down this wall?  – background

“My account has been banned because they think I have uploaded child pornography.” Can you imagine having to say this to, say, your friends or parents? Can you imagine having to tell your partner, with whom you have children? You are forcing others to think for a moment that you are a fan of child abuse material. It’s a social alternative to putting your head on a chopping block.

drug addict happened Seal 886, when he suddenly couldn’t get into his Dropbox at the end of last year. He was a big fan of Dropbox and urged everyone to get the paid version of the service. “I was a real fan, you can tell.” Until that moment. “I uploaded some files and sent them to the business relations. I also use them a lot on business.”

But when he woke up in the morning, they couldn’t download the files. “And then I can no longer log in myself. Your account has been suspended.” After contacting the company, he realized there was a suspicion that he had uploaded child abuse images. “Obviously when I told this to my wife, she immediately said, ‘Isn’t that right?'” “

Seal886 is by no means alone. a Call in the podcast A week and a half ago has led to an influx of stories, and more about tech companies than expected. after every thing, In the first story Almost a year and a half ago it was mainly about Microsoft, but the stories of all those trainers show that you hit a wall at many other companies when you close your account.

In that first story we already discussed what you can do about it and whether companies are allowed to treat their customers this way. A lot has happened since then, and that’s exactly what this story is about: how things are at companies other than Microsoft and developments in the field since then.

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Thanks to all the Tweakers who wanted to share the story of their account being closed. This story would not have been possible without you! Top of page and front page image: Getty Images

person against a wall. Source: Pexels / Pixabay

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