Google gave Activision Blizzard $360M for not opening an App Store – IT Pro – News

More competition might be better for both consumers if developersAnd the

Bee epic games is the cut they get 12/13% and with steam is the cut 30%. as a developer Unreal Engine still used 5% of the franchise fee at Epic Games has been waived.

On mobile:
apple: Cut 15% to 1 million, and 30% to anything above that.
The Google: Cut 15% to 1 million, and 30% to anything above that.

With a higher quota, there is a greater chance that the developer will demand more of their product, or less if it is less. Now you will not easily see a price difference in terms of products in these storesbut is it true that developer receive more in lower pieces.

With more competition between stores, they may try to attract users with benefits or lower prices than the competitor(s), if this is stopped, you will still be trapped in the Apple system or the Google system. It doesn’t matter what discounts or prices they ask for, because the majority of people can only use the Google Play Store or the Apple Store on their devices.

The main drawback, however, is hash of products across multiple (software) platforms, you’d prefer to keep this within a single ecosystem for convenience, but on the other hand, you want the bulk of the money you spend on a game/product to end up in the developer’s hands.

We don’t know what cut Activision Blizzard would require to put paid products on their store, but it could be less than Apple or Google, but since Google actively blocks this, we’ll (unfortunately) never learn.

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