Google expands Chrome password manager functionality to all platforms – Computer – News

Business password managers like Lastpass, Dashlane, OnePass, Bitwarden, etc. don’t do anything for people at home unless you want to share passwords or store certain documents “securely”. The reason people think it’s more secure is because it’s not Google and has 2FA, but the latter only applies to web services where you have to authenticate. Once the sync is done, you can unlock the file with just a master password and that’s going fairly smoothly these days. Since enough people also store their recovery codes and OTP keys, it’s a real party sometimes when he opens his file.

Google passwords are no longer the old browser solution of the past. On Android, Chrome OS and also iOS, I thought the safe area is used for storage. I can only applaud any extension or plugin that doesn’t look into the DOM of web pages or runs as a hook to do a certain input. Especially when you look at how many people have auto update apps turned off.

If you look at Apple, Microsoft and Google, they provide the consumer with a decent and secure password management solution. This raises the question about the added value of third-party password managers. With a few exceptions, it will be few and the question is whether you can simply better spend these costs on a Yubi key, for example as an alternative method of authentication.

Looking at where identity management and authentication for consumers are headed, signing in with your Apple/Microsoft/Google account will only increase in the coming period. This also reduces the need for passwords. If you look at Lastpass’s pricing model, for example, they’ll actually have to do a few tricks to keep their income on par.

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