Geraldine Kemper apologizes for ‘non-exhaustive’ breast cover Linda | show

Geraldine Kemper apologizes for 'non-exhaustive' breast cover Linda |  show

Geraldine Kemper apologizes for the new version of LindaBecause according to some readers it is not comprehensive enough. For the cover, Fouclin Owerkirk, Geraldine Kemper, Joey D’Alema, Romy Monteiro, Marianne Mader, Fajah Lorenz, Dylan Yurdakul, Lorraine Verster, and Gabi Blaser stripped down their clothing to advocate for the normalization of women’s breasts.

Kemper’s apology came in response to a message from journalist Tatiana Muli on Instagram. In it, she says it’s “so easy” to photograph different types of women and breasts. Include, for example, obese women, or women with large breasts, saggy breasts and women who have had their breasts amputated. Almoli mentions not only on-screen acting, but also “stories told and people interviewed”.

Geraldine Kemper replied on Instagram today: “I can’t say anything other than she’s right.” She points out that her full attention was on the subject, which she believed should appeal to every woman. “But I realize that if you want to attract all the women, you also have to make sure that all the women can find themselves in the cover.”

Kemper will try to exert more influence on the creation of such a cover in the future. Who else is on the cover? Is it comprehensive enough? Do we represent everyone? And if the answer is no, I can help you think about who will be on the cover next to me.” “I listened to it, I learned from it, and I will perform better in the future.”

Linda cover. © Linda.

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