Gameplay screenshots from Battlefield 2042 test leaks private – Games – News

The gameplay footage of the upcoming shooter Battlefield 2042 has been leaked on various video platforms. These images are from the game’s technical gameplay test, which began this week.

EA is removing images from the internet, writing among other things Game Spot in a Eurogamer. However, there are links to screenshots and gameplay screenshots on platforms like reddit. Images include new tools and vehicles, and a “Plus” menu that allows users to customize their in-game weapons.

EA has expressly prohibited users from sharing beta gameplay footage. The game has a watermark for each user with a unique code and username. Since the images are from a Technical Playtest, they are likely not fully representative of the final version of the game, which will be released on October 22nd.

Technical Playtest mainly aims to test the infrastructure of the game, such as the stability of multiplayer servers. Later, publisher EA and developer DICE will release a beta version of the game, which should be closer to the game’s release version.

The current Technical Playtest runs from August 12-16 and will allow some users to play an early version of Battlefield 2042 every day for three hours. The test is available to invited people who have an EA Playtesting profile and is now full. EA has betas for PC and Xbox Series X | S and PlayStation 5, although the game will also be released for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 upon release.

EA released an Exodus short earlier this week, which summarizes the story behind the world of Battlefield 2042. The game will not have a single player campaign and therefore does not have an in-game story. Later, the developer will come up with details about the Hazard Zone game mode.

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