Gabe Pettito murder: Brian Laundry’s no trace father contradicts previous statements | Abroad

Gabe Pettito murder: Brian Laundry’s no trace father contradicts previous statements |  Abroad

Gabe Pettito, 22, and her fiancĂ©, Brian Laundry, 23, set out on a road trip across the United States in the summer in their converted truck. Everything seemed to be going well, but over time, the two started arguing a lot. On September 1, Laundry returned home alone. There was no trace of Petitou. On September 11, her family reported her missing. Laundry was interrogated several times but refused to cooperate with the investigation. He was also reported missing on 14 September. Pettito’s body was found on September 19.

But there is now some uncertainty about Laundry’s disappearance on September 14. The family’s attorney said Brian Laundry’s father went to look for his son on September 13 after he failed to return from a walk. He did not find his son that day and returned home. The next day, he and his wife would search again. They find their son’s abandoned car. On September 15, they decided to take the car with them.

These events do not match what the parents told the police. According to their testimony, they last saw their son on 14 September when he went to the reserve with a backpack.

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