FvD remains the largest in terms of membership, and BBB and BvNL are growing exponentially

FvD remains the largest in terms of membership, and BBB and BvNL are growing exponentially

NOS News

The Forum for Democracy remains by far the political party with the largest number of members. On January 1, the FvD had more than 61,000 members, an increase of 2,400. The forum has been actively campaigning on social media to recruit members by the end of the year.

BoerBurgerBeweging (BBB) ​​had the biggest profit; The number of members has nearly quadrupled in one year, according to figures from the Dutch Documentation Center for Political Parties (DNPP). Caroline van der Plas’ party now has nearly 11,000 members, an increase of 8,400.

financial support

Another bigger climber is MP Webern van Haga’s new party BvNL, which has broken away from the Forum. The party has grown by about 50 percent to more than 6,000 members.

Based on the number of members on January 1 of each year, support from the Ministry of Interior is divided among the political parties. The Membership Pool contains about 3.4 million euros.

The alliance is at a loss

The four coalition parties have lost ground from supporters in the past year. The VVD lost more than 10 percent of its members, bringing its membership to approximately 24,000. D66 came in (-5.7 percent) to 30,000 members, CDA (-8.4 percent) to 32,000 members and ChristenUnie (-3.4 percent) to 25,000 members.

After the Forum for Democracy, the PvdA is the second party in the country in terms of membership. The party lost about 1,000 members last year and fell below 40,000 for the first time since its founding. GroenLinks is the third party with nearly 34,000 members.

PVV is not in the overview of the NDPP, because it is not possible to become a member of that party.

Total party members

In total, the number of members in a political party increased by 1.3 percent to about 380,000 people. This translates to about 2.8 percent of the electorate.

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