From the insulation attack to “no money for climate hobbies”

From the insulation attack to “no money for climate hobbies”
Place insulation behind the heater

Noos News

Insulated homes are high on the political agenda and can be found in most election manifestos. Both parties are not only interested in saving energy for the climate.

The main goal is for citizens to be able to spend their money on groceries instead of on the energy company, as can be read in the programmes.

Peter Omtzgut’s New Social Contract (NSC) believes that people living in a poorly insulated rented house should get a discount on rent. GroenLinks-PvdA and VVD can also agree to this.

VVD believes that people living in a poorly insulated rented house should be able to inform the municipality about this. This may then result in landlords being obligated to reduce the rent until isolation measures are taken.

Discount on materials

GroenLinks-PvdA wants to implement an insulation campaign for all homes, giving priority to people with low and middle income. People who want to insulate their homes should receive a discount on materials.

The Christian Union wants 200 million euros for the national isolation programme. D66 and Volt talk about the National Isolation Attack and the National Isolation Plan with different support options.

The CDA actually believes that a municipal approach is more effective, district by district, prioritizing vulnerable neighborhoods. PvdD wants to increase support for comprehensive nature isolation. Bij1 wants to ban all poorly insulated rental properties from the rental market by 2030.

Additional funds for “repair brigades”

More details emerge when electoral programs are calculated by the Central Planning Office and the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency. ChristenUnie, D66 and GL-PvdA are allocating additional funds to deploy “repair teams,” which will install small energy-saving measures in your home.

VVD, D66 and Volt want to have at least a D energy label in the rental sector from 2030. The Christian Union is tightening this up to a C rating and GroenLinks-PvdA to slightly more stringent insulation standards. For the owner-occupied sector, the Christian Union wants a ban on F and G labels before 2030. Volt wants mandatory HR++(+) glazing for all buildings, including owner-occupied homes, by 2030.

NSC believes that buffer leasehold properties should be funded from proceeds from the National Auction for CO2 Rights.

“Green bag”

More to the right For example, JA21 wants to invest in insulation, initially in new homes. The party also wants to “give a helping hand” to low-income groups whose homes are often poorly insulated, says party leader Joost Eerdmans, “but we have to be careful about the green grab bag from the left that everyone keeps grabbing.”

The Freedom Party did not mention isolation at all in its election manifesto. “No to wasting billions on useless climate hobbies,” is the gist of the chapter on climate and energy. Wilders’ party mainly wants to help people by reducing energy taxes and the value-added tax on energy.

According to D66 leader Rob Gitten, additional funds for impeachment are urgently needed. “I would say to people: Don’t fall prey to the climate talk that a number of right-wing Conservative parties are talking about, because then we will only slow down this approach in the coming years.”

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