Frans Bauer is full after his son’s performance in Hoge Bomen: ‘Goosebumps’

Frans Bauer is full after his son’s performance in Hoge Bomen: ‘Goosebumps’

When Jeroen van der Bom was discussing their son’s singing skills with Frans and Mariska, something happened that the parents didn’t expect. “In the deepest secret, make a song,” says Jeron suddenly. Frans and Mariska don’t know what to hear and after Christian’s first few notes, tears well up in Frans’ eyes.

The emotional singer speaks with pride after the performance: “It’s a very strange feeling indeed. It can perhaps be compared to the feeling my father had when he saw me sing. So special.” So it goes even further. “That’s the most beautiful thing I’ve been through as an artist on a show. No gold record can compete with this.”

Viewers are full of praise for the performance. “I had to wipe a tear!” Someone tweet. “I hope Christian Bauer has a great singing career!” Another responds. Someone even thinks he looks better than his dad’s singing skills. “Wow, this son sings so much better than France Bauer.” You can read more comments below.

Filmed six weeks after Mariska suffered a stroke and although a lot has changed, their babies ensure there’s also plenty to laugh about:

tall trees It can be watched every Saturday at 9.25pm ​​on SBS6.

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