Fantastic start, Prossus and Buffett dive into chips

Fantasievolle start, Prosus, en Buffett duikt in de chips

AEX is +0.6% after a normal negative day on Wall Street yesterday and Asia is now snowy, especially China.

  • European futures opened 0.1% to 0.5% higher.
  • The US rose 0.3% to 0.7%, and technology appears to be doing well
  • In Asia, Hang Seng Tech is up 6.8% and even Tencent + 9.7%. I don’t know why, maybe Covid measures and real estate are more flexible. In Taiwan, it is TSMC + 7.2% and so on! big news
  • Volatility (CBOE VIX Index) is +5.4% at 23.7
  • The dollar fell 0.2% to 1.034
  • Gold Flat, Oil up 0.3% to 0.5%, Cryptocurrency above 2%

The German 10-year yield and the US yield cautiously confirm the rally in stocks.

bubble! TSMC is +7.1% in Taiwan and this may continue in Veldhoven. Warren Buffett in a fish diver, that’s really news.

Now I’m starting to get excited, because it should now be clear whether AEX (orange) will break out of the downtrend for exactly one year, or whether it will come out. dead cat bounce, bounceAnd the sucker or bear Market gathering he is. Is a side (ten-year) interest rate (purple) sufficient for this, or is the reduction really necessary?

Know that earnings expectations are declining. This means more expensive inventory.

It’s really hot in Hong Kong and here’s the Hang Seng (in orange) and the Hang Seng Tech indicator.

What’s at least interesting is what the euro and dollar are doing, does anyone dare call the bottom yet? Because yesterday there were some extremist The Fed quotes many bobos, but you see: the euro is holding up. As noted earlier, if the dollar falls, along with inflation and the economy, gold may be a good idea.

What did we all miss last night? this is good. By the way, you can bid on former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried penthouse for $40 million in the Bahamas, it’s up for sale. Shocking how this man turned from $16 billion into a bankrupt businessman and potential suspect in days.

Binance is already the largest crypto broker and is actually choosing some kind of central bank job in this world? It looks like a monopoly. It might make some noise in the normal world but everything is fine in cryptoland, as long as it’s good for the price I’ve had an impression for years.

For example, Bitcoin (orange) and Ethereum are included. Yes, this crisis definitely leaves traces, but Piece Not encryption at least. The only question is what the average financial world will do with this market: ignore it, or just continue? It also depends on how many crimes the FTX case may or may not result in.

If it falls into the Enron category, as it seems here and there – the biggest fraud and crime case of the internet age – then I haven’t seen it all yet.

There’s nothing bitter to do in Damrak again, but there’s the old Twentsche Kabel Q3s. That’s looked at earnings season so far and understood all that’s going on around it. The look has been preserved, mentioned above the press release. The numbers seem correct.

ForFarmers has a new CEO and I think that’s a big name in this world. He is the former CEO of the giant Fonterra from New Zealand. Ibosko reports another Swede ranking.

News, tips and short agenda

The most important ABM Financial news since the Amsterdam closed yesterday.

  • 08:15 Berkshire Hathaway acquires stake in TSMC
  • Deutsche Bank raises its ASML price target by €100
  • 08:08 UK unemployment rate drops
  • 08:03 AEX is trying to shape the progress further
  • 07:48 Strong sales growth TKH
  • 07:46 Ebusco receives Swedish order again
  • 07:39 Berenberg places a buy recommendation on Azeron
  • 07:24 ForFarmers nominates Theo Springs as CEO for one year
  • 07:15 European stock markets are expected to open slightly positive
  • 07:06 Chinese retail sales unexpectedly fell
  • 07:02 Chinese industry is producing more again
  • 06:59 Japanese industry produces more
  • 06:57 The Japanese economy should leave
  • 06:55 Stock Exchange Agenda: Macroeconomics
  • 06:54 Exhibition Agenda: Foreign Funds
  • 06:53 Exhibition agenda: Dutch companies
  • Stock update November 14: AEX on Wall Street
  • November 14, Wall Street closed lower
  • November 14, CSC owns 99.4 percent of Intertrust’s shares
  • November 14, the price of oil closed lower
  • November 14 Amazon will lay off thousands of employees
  • November 14 Wall Street heads towards a higher close
  • November 14, European shares closed higher

Analyst tip:

Azerion: start tracking with purchase and €8.60 – Berenberg

AFM reports this shorts And what is the laundry list:

Here are the most notifications, a look at Basic-Fit:

The agenda with a few big company names, our GDP and the EU, and the first numbers for November – Germany’s ZEW confidence index and New York Fed manufacturing index in the Empire State.

07:30 TKH – Third Quarter Numbers

07:00 Infineon – Fourth Quarter Figures (Gear)
13:00 Home Depot – US Q3 numbers
13:00 Walmart – US Third Quarter Numbers

00:50 Economic Growth – Q3 vlpg (Japan)
04:00 Industrial Production – October (CHI)
04:00 Retail Sales – October (CHI)
06:30 Industrial Production – September Final. (yap)
08:00 Unemployment Rate – September (UK)
09:30 Economic Growth – Q3 vlpg (NL)
09:30 Household Consumption – September (NL)
09:30 International Trade – September (NL)
10:00 IEA Monthly Report (Fra)
11:00 Economic Growth – 3rd Quarter 2nd Estimate (Euro)
11:00 Trade Balance – September (EUR)
11:00 ZEW Economic Sentiment – November (Germany)
14:30 Product Awards – October (US)
14:30 Empire State Index – November (US)

Japanese and Chinese data tonight is disappointing:

then this

This weak Fed, a lot of money wasn’t good and neither was tight money 🙂

They talked for three hours, wishing both presidents much wisdom:

There is a lot of Amazon news, this sounds like a lot, but it has 1.6 million workforce:

The broom will definitely pass through:

girl’s face:

Air for turbulent sector:

Car design one, mass production two:

Enjoy and good luck today.

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