Famous collector Leusink stops after threats | the interior

Famous collector Leusink stops after threats |  the interior

The organization continues, saying: “Peter Jan Leuzinc does not want these differences over his person to stand in the way of the performance of the Dutch Bach Choir and Orchestra.” According to her, final talks are currently taking place with a “possible” replacement for Luzinc.

The Institute for Human Rights ruled last week that the conductor had been convicted of sexually molesting two musicians in the past. According to various reports, it is about Leusink.

According to its own statement, KCN had already commissioned an outside agency to conduct an anonymous survey among all musicians in 2018, following anonymous accusations. “There was no evidence of any dissatisfaction with the cooperation with the train conductor, the management, or the safety of the working atmosphere.”

However, complaints from the “sometimes distant” past have prompted current management to make improvements within the organization, the foundation says. “Both an internal and external confidential consultant has been appointed and behavioral protocols are in place. In 2019, an investigation by the Labor Inspectorate demonstrated that a safe work environment exists at the KCN where behavioral protocols are followed,” continues the KCN.

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