Experts in the advice: “Now discuss the most difficult measures for the next wave of Corona.”

Experts in the advice: “Now discuss the most difficult measures for the next wave of Corona.”

The government should already prepare for a coronavirus revival, as is possible this winter. This is what five advisory bodies, including the Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR), state in a recommendation to the Cabinet.

“The more difficult options should be considered and discussed now rather than pushed forward,” the researchers say. Ministers also do well to record the actions they do not want to take in any case, pressing integrated circuits in the back of their minds, they continue. “Use the good times to reflect on the bad times.”

Both the virus and infection prevention measures – as before by closing schools and providing food – have dire consequences. Therefore, it is important to make a broad social assessment of any measures to be taken, in the opinion of the advisory bodies.

They admit that this means “hard choices that always hurt somewhere.” “There are many social interests, which often do not point in the same direction. Choosing one interest always means that another is not served or even harmed.”

For example, the Cabinet must take into account the consequences such as poor school performance, mental health problems and delays in care in the Corona measures to be taken.

Advisory boards advise actions that Cabinet could take in the event of a possible revival – such as observing a mouth mask or a curfew – that must be mandated by law. If necessary, it can be immediately deployed and withdrawn as soon as possible.

Tip: invest in digital infrastructure

Ministers would also do well to invest in a good digital infrastructure. In this way, lessons can be given online without any problems in the event of a return of the Corona virus. There should also be opportunities for retraining and more training in the Corona wave. In addition, medical consultations can take place in a good digital environment, the researchers stress.

These measures, among other things, make society more resilient. The advisory boards have concluded that this is necessary because we have to learn to live with the coronavirus and the uncertainty that this entails.

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