Employers make historically high final offers in the collective labor agreement for construction and infrastructure

Employers make historically high final offers in the collective labor agreement for construction and infrastructure

On Friday 24 November 2023, employers made a final offer to employee organizations in the Construction and Infrastructure Collective Labor Agreement, at the end of the final negotiation day.

After six days of negotiations, employers are disappointed with employee organizations’ response to the extended final offer. George Reisens, head of the employers’ negotiating delegation: “Taking into account the expected developments in the sector, this proposal is certainly the best that could be. It includes, among other things, a proposal for historically high wages as well as several concessions in the field “The schemes for UTA employees. The latter in particular served as an important spearhead for labor unions.”

Below is the final offer from the employers as submitted on 24 November 2023.


The period from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024 (12 months).

The reward

During the term of the collective labor agreement, wages will be increased twice:

  • 1-1-2024 3.5% plus €50 per month structurally (part-time pro rata)
  • 1-7-2024 3.5% plus €50 per month structurally (part-time pro rata)

The applicable collective labor agreement allowances will be increased in the above proportions at the above times.

Introduction to job and salary structure

The new job and salary structure will be introduced on 31 December 2024. This is expected to increase the cost of wages by approximately 1%. Companies that indicate for good reasons that it is impossible or undesirable to comply with this collective labor agreement obligation can apply for exemption.

The new pay structure does not have starting scales. The youth wage applies to young employees and students. With youth wages, it remains exciting for companies to employ young people and students continue to be encouraged to pursue a training course. A young employee who has completed BBL3 training will be placed at job level and will therefore not receive youth pay. Young employees who have completed BBL2 training and have not yet reached the age of 21 receive youth pay.

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The provisions of the current collective labor agreement relating to job structure and salaries will be amended as of December 31, 2024.

Coordinate UTA personnel and construction site personnel

Next year, the parties to the collective labor agreement will instruct an external party to conduct an inventory between trade unions and employers on how to harmonize employment conditions for UTA employees and construction site employees in the near future in conjunction with the new job evaluation system.

Diploma reward

Upon obtaining a BBL diploma, the student receives a diploma reward. As of this collective labor agreement, the start date of training is crucial: it must be within the term of the collective labor agreement. Article 5.19 of the Collective Labor Agreement will be amended accordingly. A student who moves from BBL2 to BBL3 receives an additional educational bonus of €500 after 3 months of training.

Heavy work arrangement

The current heavy works system will continue as of January 1, 2026 for a period of 5 years until January 1, 2031, provided that the RVU system is maintained.

The position of Executor will be added to the Heavy Works scheme from 1 January 2024.

Overtime scheme for UTA employees

The current overtime scheme for UTA staff in Band 1, 2 and 3 will be expanded with provision for UTA staff in Band 4, 5 and 6.

New addition to the collective labor agreement Article 5.7.4:

  • If the employer pays a UTA employee aged 21 or over at job levels 4, 5 and 6 a salary that is at least 7% higher than the minimum in scale 4, 5 and 6, including salary growth as referred to in Article 4.9.2 then This is considered as follows:
    • The employer has informed the employee in writing how it will compensate for this (Article 5.7.4), i.e. compensation for overtime and special hours allowance is considered included in the salary.
    • If the employer did not inform the employee at job levels 4, 5 and 6 in writing, how will he compensate for this? The monthly salary is less than the salary according to the article of the collective labor agreement. 4.9.2 + 7%, the employee at job levels 4, 5 and 6 is entitled to one hour of time or one hour of salary for every additional hour of work.
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Maximum working time, vacation and travel time

For UTA employees, just as for construction site employees, working hours, scheduled vacations and actual travel time together may not exceed 12 hours per day (Article 2.2.3 of the Collective Labor Agreement).

Student intake and retention

To enhance student flow and retention, the following package of measures will be available during the term of the collective labor agreement, with a total value of up to €20 million per year, paid from the T&D Fund.

The measures are:

  • Paying incentives to construction companies that train and graduate students;
  • Current diploma award for students;
  • Encouraging small training courses in ROCs.

Further interpretation through the DB Collective Labor Agreement.

The parties to the collective labor agreement will consult with training companies to determine other measures necessary to enhance the flow of students.

Internal training

The amounts in Annex 5.2 for the Construction and Infrastructure Training Program will be increased from €400 to €550 per month for MBO trainees and from €550 to €650 per month for HBO and university trainees.

Teacher bonus

A driver with a diploma (Level E) who is a teacher receives a teacher’s allowance. Article 5.6 will be amended accordingly.

Travel allowance

The mobility allowance for UTA employees will be increased from 19 cents per kilometer to 21 cents per kilometer from 1 January 2024 and, if appropriate within the tax credit, 23 cents per kilometer (Article 5.9.4 of the Collective Labor Agreement).


Article 7.4 The workload applies to both construction site employees and UTA employees.

Parties to a collective labor agreement advise construction companies to discuss workload and other forms of psychosocial workload, both in discussions with the works council and in individual conversations between employer and employee.

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Number of vacation days

Article 3.1.1, which states that construction site employees receive one additional day of vacation each year in which five working days fall between Christmas and New Year’s Day, also applies to UTA employees.

Digital skills

Employers are seeing the importance of digital skills among employees. During the term of this collective labor agreement, i.e. until December 31, 2024, employees can claim a voucher of a maximum of €500, paid by the T&D Fund. They can use this coupon to improve their digital skills.


Both employers and employees believe that the improvements needed in safety go beyond collective labor agreements. These issues must be addressed structurally and sustainably.

Parties to the Collective Labor Agreement shall make every effort to work jointly with the government, customers, relevant sectors, suppliers, contractors, employers and employees to structurally improve safety in the construction and infrastructure sectors. To this end, the Heads of Parties will jointly develop an agreement that includes, among others:

  • Integrity from start to finish, i.e. from order formulation and/or tender procedures to design and delivery;
  • Increase safety awareness in the chain: everyone has responsibility, rights and obligations in this regard;
  • It is linked to existing charters, programs and projects.

Employers’ organizations and trade unions are taking the lead to achieve this.


An investigation into whether heat can be included in the collective labor agreement for non-working weather is scheduled, on the advice of Volandis.

Entry bonus for SOMA certified BOL3 operators

Certified BOL3 Operators (SOMA) receive an entry bonus of €2,500. Start and end dates will be determined.

Commitment information in the event of mergers, business transfers and business closures

Amend the information obligation in the collective labor agreement (Article 8.4) to the SER Merger Code of Conduct following the court ruling.

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