Category: Economy

“Farmers wrongly register thousands of hectares of government land”

Flickr/Spike StitchGrazing cows (to clarify) Noos News•Today at 7:53 pm Farmers wrongly registered thousands of hectares of government land as private agricultural land. As a result, they may have wrongly received agricultural subsidies, according to research by the investigative journalism platform Investico. It was already known that this happened, but the extent to which it […] is flooded with hundreds of books written with artificial intelligence

This mainly concerns travel guides, language guides, cookbooks and reports BNR Based on our own research. The channel stated that hundreds of books are being presented that have been compiled together by artificial intelligence. The paragraphs were analyzed BNR purchased random books on and conducted research using the tool Whether the scripts are […]

There is not much difference between VVD, NSC and GroenLinks-PvdA

Afghan National PolicePolling station in Bussum. Noos News•Today, 12:10 Eight weeks before the election, Bellingweisser formed three little-differentiated parties: the VVD, Peter Omtzigt’s National Security Council Party, and the GroenLinks-PvdA. Poll index is a weighted average of opinion polls Ipsos/EenVandaag And Input and output research. Shortly after its founding, the NSC was Bellingweisser’s largest party […]

The Netherlands is the largest importer of products at risk of deforestation within the European Union

France Press agencyIllegal deforestation in Brazil Noos News•Today, 00:01 Of all the EU countries, the Netherlands imported the most goods at risk of deforestation from non-EU countries last year. The Netherlands is the largest importer of soybeans, palm oil and cocoa and the second largest importer of timber and beef products. This was reported by […]

“Guests pinch my buttocks”

number Noos News•Today at 7:30 pm Maxime de Vries and Jasper Piersma Maxime de Vries and Jasper Piersma Getting a slap on the butt from your colleague, the guy who makes sexually explicit jokes, or your boss who calls you a “bitch” all the time. These are examples of inappropriate behavior that young catering employees […]

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