Category: Economy

Suddenly the National Growth Fund is closed – perhaps suspended entirely. Businesses are upset

The National Growth Fund makes an emergency stop. The fund, set up to support innovative companies in the Netherlands with a total of €20 billion from 2021 to 2025, is “unfortunately on pause,” says outgoing Minister Mieke Adriaenssen (Economic Affairs and Climate, VVD). Its spokesman confirms that the fourth round of support requests, which was […]

Japan is slowly but surely moving away from the floppy disk: ‘People are stuck with it’

NOS/Anoma van der VeereTomoharu Iguchi works on an old computer Noos News•Today at 7:25 pm In a warehouse hidden in the mountains behind Mount Fuji, there are towering storage tanks containing old computers. “We often sell these devices to factories, medical institutions and government agencies,” said Tomoharu Iguchi, owner of PC Mishima, a company that […]

Chinese online stores are rapidly gaining popularity with discounts and promotions

France Press agencyChinese online stores Noos News•Today, 08:51•an average Today, 10:05 Makeup, tools, or clothing. Shopping in China – online – is quickly becoming more popular. Last year, the Dutch apparently placed nearly 9 million orders in Chinese web stores Preparation From the trade organization This represents an increase of 39 percent. This is […]

However, there is no priority at TU Delft for female space students

Afghan National PoliceTU Delft receives approximately 3,000 course registrations every year Noos News•Yesterday, 11:13 p.m TU Delft should not favor women who want to study aeronautical engineering. The Education Inspectorate reprimanded the university. According to the inspectorate, the plan is in violation of the law. on University website We can therefore read that this policy […]

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