Maandag 8 april 2024 besteedt Radar aandacht aan de efficiëntie van een elektrische cv-ketel, is de aanschaf wel zo voordelig als dat het doet lijken? Huisdieren lopen nog steeds regelmatig brandwonden op na inname van groene aanslagreiniger, heeft een verplichte waarschuwing op het etiket zin gehad? [–> Huisdieren nog steeds slachtoffer van groene aanslagreinigers, ondanks […]
What kind of investor is Triton, buyer of Volkroessel spare parts?
It was eye-catching statement Last Friday: Royal VolkerWessels sold part of its private group to investment firm Triton Partners. The Rijssen construction group – once again wholly owned by the Wessels family since being delisted from the stock exchange for the third time in 2020 – announced last year’s results earlier today. Turnover increased by […]
CEO of JP Morgan: Interest rates may rise to 8 percent
(ABM FN-Dow Jones) US investment bank JPMorgan Chase’s CEO, Jamie Dimon, believes inflation pressure could continue for a long time and takes into account much higher interest rates of 8 percent or more. Dimon wrote this in a letter to investors in the bank’s annual report. Given the high valuations in equity markets and low […]
Expectant parents pay heavy fines if they cancel maternity care
Afghan National Police/Phil NijhuisMaternity assistance at work Noos News•Today, 05:08 Expectant parents will receive a hefty bill if they cancel antenatal maternity care, according to a roundup by NOS. These “fines” can reach €275, even if you cancel early in the pregnancy. Due to the shortage of maternity assistants, many parents sign up with multiple […]
Bitcoin model shows how long the bull market will last after the halving
The Bitcoin (BTC) halving has always been an important moment in the history of cryptocurrency prices. This is evident among other things: A analysis From analyst TradingShot. The analyst uses an interesting graph to show that BTC price always follows the “golden ratio”, before and after the halving. 🚀 Dutch Stock Exchange Celebrates Bull Market: […]
“Several tech companies have deals with Shutterstock to train AI models” – IT Pro – News
Several US technology companies have reportedly signed an agreement with Shutterstock on using media to train AI models. Amazon, Apple, Google and Meta are said to be part of the group and have signed deals worth at least $25 million. According to Reuters news agency, the agreements between the photo platform Shutterstock and American technology […]
Small entrepreneurs in the US fear a TikTok ban
France Press agencyAmerican entrepreneurs demonstrated in Washington last year against the TikTok ban Noos News•Yesterday, 9:02 p.m Lily Sophie Maigret Washington editorial office Lily Sophie Maigret Washington editorial office Small entrepreneurs in the US fear they will face tough times if the country bans TikTok. Many of them use the video app to market their […]
Small business owners in the US fear a TikTok ban
France Press agencyAmerican entrepreneurs demonstrated in Washington last year against the TikTok ban Noos News•Today at 9:02 pm Lily Sophie Maigret Washington editorial office Lily Sophie Maigret Washington editorial office Small entrepreneurs in the US fear they will face tough times if the country bans TikTok. Many of them use the video app to market […]
VDL removes Sterrebos trees, activists believe this is a ‘trap’
Save the stereobusEmpty meadow, car factory in the background With participation L1mburg Noos News•Today at 12:37 Nearly five hundred small trees recently planted by the Save the Sterrebos action group at the VDL Nedcar car factory in Born appeared to have disappeared yesterday afternoon. To the anger of the working group, the “memorial oak” was […]
The Chinese government partially stops using Intel and AMD chips, bans the use of Windows – Computer – News
The Chinese government has begun phasing out the use of foreign chips and operating systems on government computers and servers. Although there may still be ways to use these products, their use is not recommended in principle. China recently introduced new procurement rules for government agencies, meaning chips from US manufacturers are not allowed in […]