Category: Economy

Waffle syrup for the sheikh

Holland was early from Qatar. With the facilitation of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Dutch companies were ready to start the World Cup. One week before the football tournament is officially commissioned, contacts have already been made with VIPs from the Qatari business community and the Qatari government about business opportunities surrounding the football tournament, […]

Rutte IV: Money for teachers and homes

The parties formed Rutte IV want to close the wage gap between teachers in primary and secondary education by increasing the salaries of teachers in primary education. VVD, D66, CDA and ChristenUnie also want to draw up permanent plans from the National Education Program, the billion-dollar plan put in place during the coronavirus crisis to […]

Schiphol and KLM Aware of Health Harm for 15 Years: ‘Our Members Die Early’ | the interior

Schiphol Airport and KLM airlines were warned fifteen years ago by their Occupational Health and Safety Services of an “increased risk” of heart disease and lung cancer among their employees. This is evident from the secret reports transmitted by the television program “Zambla”. About twenty thousand employees of Schiphol yard work every day on the […]

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