Dzifa strikes a sledgehammer on Expedition Robinson: ‘This is my comeback’

Dzifa strikes a sledgehammer on Expedition Robinson: ‘This is my comeback’

Warning: This article contains spoilers about Robinson Expedition.

It’s no secret that Vincent has had an all-to-himself mentality ever since he camped out on School Leaving Island. Davis also notes. “I think it’s a shame, because I don’t recognize him that way,” she says. “At camp he was the one who was always there for everyone.” “I think seven days alone on Leaky Island might make you feel a little bitter.”

All in all, Dziva doesn’t think Vincent’s attitude is that bad. “I’m not going to get too involved with him and I don’t want to be dependent on him. I really like that I can finally do it on my own. So far, there has been a dominant masculine energy in all the camps.”

Dzifa finds this annoying at times. She loves the fact that she has to do it alone now. “I also know how to tie knots. I wonder what I would do if I had no influence from others.”

Finally, the time comes for the inevitable duel, in which Dzieva and Vincent decide which of them should go home. They play a kind of three-in-a-row with a twist. By throwing the bags through the holes they can make a row. Whoever wins two matches remains first. The other must go home. After a nerve-wracking fight, it is Jazifa who throws the last bag through the right hole. “Oh my God. Wow, this is just my kind of comeback. It’s one bag in a box.”

Fairy Wertman again wins the immunity test on the other island. He can prepare himself for a pizza night with April Darby, with whom he has built up a good relationship. On the Island Council, Harry Pekema is the one who gets the most votes and has to pack his things. At least, that’s what he thinks, until he hears that an island has leaked out…

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Robinson Expedition See you every Monday at 8.30pm on RTL 4. Missed an episode? You can look back over Videoland.

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