Driver driving a car in a Tyrol cow convoy: six injured

Driver driving a car in a Tyrol cow convoy: six injured

In Austria, six people were injured when a motorist accidentally collided with a vehicle MabatribThe annual retreat of cows from mountain pastures. Among the injured are the 79-year-old driver, his 82-year-old wife, some shepherds and a passerby.

Things went wrong when the driver lost control of the wheel in Heibach yesterday afternoon. The car hit some animals and hit the accompanying cars and stopped against the wall.

Some of the victims were seriously injured, including a 39-year-old shepherd who was kicked by a car and a 17-year-old spectator who was hit by a cow. Two shepherds with minor injuries were able to transport all the animals safely to their destination. None of the cows were hurt.


The police confiscated the German couple’s car. It is being investigated whether a technical defect was the cause of the accident. The brakes may have failed.

from Mabatrib It is a major annual event in many Austrian cities: at the end of summer, decorated cows are brought back to the stable in the valley in a folklore show by shepherds dressed in winter clothes to hibernate there. This is often accompanied by regional markets and folk music.

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