Carlo Bouchard is working on a drama series about broadcaster Willem Reuss. The series is based on the life of a test professor, but is “partially fictional”.
“The series highlights, among other things, the final days of one of the best directors the Netherlands has ever known,” producer Boszhard wrote in his column in the television. “With background Star show“The tent in which television history was written.”
His daughter, Sous Royce, says the series is largely inspired by her father’s life. She is participating in the project as a writer. “The series revolves around my father’s work and shows his personal and inner world,” she says. Telegraph.
It is not yet known who will play the main role. Xander Van Fleder previously played the lead role in a musical about the life of a quiz master.
Ruis is one of the most famous broadcasters in the history of Dutch television. He made programs like Willem Royce show, 5 vs 5 And the Star show. He died in Spain in 1986 at the age of 41 due to heart failure.
“Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Freelance organizer. Avid analyst. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon junkie.”