Personally, I hope they will be adopted. The payment service has already started failing. This platform could have been so much more if it didn’t require a Nitro subscription for every little feature. Where you could initially stream 1080p at 60fps with your friends, this is now 720p at 30fps. And if you hit Nitro, you can only stream 1080P but your friends can’t. The cost of these boosts for the server also increases.
I think Discord could have been so much more if it was less about limiting features and more about adding features.
The Discord forum is a very smart move, but I would have liked to be able to customize the layouts and display friends’ game streams on different screens. All streams now always come on one page and cannot be separated in any way.
I also see a really big market in business. Discord is much better than Teams, Skype, and Zoom. By not focusing on students and business, they are missing out on a lot of potential in this app. Better support for controllers is completely missing, too. Soon Xbox and Playstation will have audio support but not game streaming support. big loss!
Moreover, Discord could eventually support live broadcasts such as Twitch by adding public channels where users can watch using only the chat function. I mean to compete with Twitch. Pages where you can sign up and donate.
Lots of potential with this app but they really do nothing. In 3 years nothing has really changed except for the forum functionality. In principle, Patreon may also be completely unnecessary if there are memberships in different discord servers. That alone can help with cash flow. I think a big company like Google or Microsoft would have realized that more. I like Discord the way it is, but it could be an app that dominates all other markets except for gamers. Teams and Zoom are awesome apps. Discord also has great noise cancellation built in and good equipment and settings support. I’d rather have a call over Discord than Teams in person.
I also miss the reddit function in discord where you can still find interesting topics from the servers you are on now that there is a forum and discussion function. Finding interesting new servers also remains difficult. There has to be a better discovery and search function. All things where I would have liked to see more action in management.
[Reactie gewijzigd door Nimac91 op 18 januari 2023 17:26]
“Lifelong zombie fanatic. Hardcore web practitioner. Thinker. Music expert. Unapologetic pop culture scholar.”