Martijn Krabbé presents the new RTL program: “Travel 14,000 km without a bank card and mobile phone” | Watch

Martijn Krabbé presents the new RTL program: "Travel 14,000 km without a bank card and mobile phone" |  Watch

Martijn Krabbé will present a new program for RTL: Race across the world. In the adventure program, five duos compete against each other. The two travel through Central and South America: from Mexico City to Ushuaia in Tierra del Fuego, the archipelago under Argentina.

“About 14,000 kilometers over land and water, but no flight,” says Crabbe, who accompanies the participating couples. ,,,, They also don’t get a cell phone and bank cards, only cash. The amount they would normally have spent on their trip.”

The goal of the two-month trip: Who travels the fastest and the smartest? Krabi: Nowadays we fly easily and everywhere. How far do we still manage to get to a place without a plane? To take the train, bus or other means of transport? And what will you encounter along the way? What obstacles do you have to take? And how well are the pairs tested against each other? “

Participants in the IDTV-produced show travel across seventeen countries and can work on the road to keep their budgets in line. So they are immersed in the local culture. Nice to see. “It’s a story disguised as a travel show about love and friendship in difficult situations,” Crabbe says. What’s in the winners’ barrel at the end will be announced later.

The Race Across the World can be watched on RTL 4 from Wednesday 15 March for eight weeks

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