Developers bypassed Nvidia GPU vbios limitations with new flash tools

Many software engineers have found a way around Nvidia GPU bios limitations. In many cases this allows users to flash modified vbios versions to their video card. Since the GTX 900 series, the Nvidia GPU has a security processor that prevents this.

Two different developers, Veii and Kefinator, have created informative tools that allow users to flash bios for their Nvidia GPU. that writes TechPowerUp on Monday. Using the tools, it is possible to flash “almost” all versions of vbios on almost all Nvidia GeForce video cards. This bypasses the security features of Nvidia’s Falcon security processor.

The tool allows, among other things, to flash factory overclocked GPU bios on a cheaper variant of that CPU with lower clock speeds. For Nvidia’s Turing GPUs in the RTX 20 series and older chips, signature checking can be completely bypassed. This makes it possible, for example, to increase existing limits. Without signature verification, it is also possible to create custom BIOS versions with different voltages, fan curves, and thermal limits.

For newer video cards in the RTX 30 and 40 series, there are more limited cross-flash options. Users can flash other vbios versions to their gpu, but they can’t manually set the bios themselves. For example, users can restore the previous default voltage of 1.10V on a GeForce RTX 4090. With newer RTX 4090 models, the voltage is limited to 1.07V.

The tools are from Veii and Kefinator, respectively omgv flash And nvflashkavailable for free. However, flashing vbios is not without risk and will void your video card’s warranty; So it is mainly for power users. It is recommended to backup the current vbios beforehand. Both tools have an option to save the default vbios; GPU-Z can do that too.

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