Democrats retain a majority in the US Senate, and the results of the House of Representatives are not yet known abroad

Democrats retain a majority in the US Senate, and the results of the House of Representatives are not yet known abroad

The president’s party often loses

It is almost a rule of law in American politics that the party of an incumbent president suffers (often heavy) losses in the midterm elections. But Democrats are getting things right this time, which is surprising given President Biden’s waning popularity. Analysts predicted that the battle for the Senate would be tense.

The results of the House of Representatives are not yet known. If the Republicans get a majority there, they could make it very difficult for the Democrats in a couple of years until the next presidential election.

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Senate victory for President Biden

Cortez Masto is a former Nevada Attorney General. She criticized her rival, Laxalt, for his conservative stance on abortion rights. Laxalt also denies that former President Donald Trump lost in the 2020 presidential election.

Laxalt’s loss is another setback for Trump. Other candidates he had supported also lost out.

For Biden, the majority in the Senate is a victory. “The result reflects the quality of the candidates,” he told the press in Cambodia, where he is attending the summit of ASEAN, the Organization of Southeast Asian Nations.

Enkele bijzondere winnaars bij de Amerikaanse midterms:

  • Maura Healey wordt de eerste openlijk lesbische gouverneur in de Verenigde Staten. Ze werd verkozen in de staat Massachusetts.
  • Ook haar running mate is een vrouw, waardoor Massachusetts als eerste staat twee vrouwen in de hoogste staatsambten krijgt.
  • Maxwell Frost is de eerste zogeheten gen-Z’er in het Huis van Afgevaardigden. De 25-jarige Democraat veroverde een zetel in Florida. Generatie Z bestaat uit mensen die tussen 1995 en 2010 zijn geboren.


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