Delta is multiplying corona virus cases in Europe and the United States

Delta is multiplying corona virus cases in Europe and the United States

The AFP balance, according to official data until Thursday, July 22, shows that there has been a dramatic increase in cases of the Govit-19 epidemic this week due to delta variation in Europe and the United States.

However, the number of cases detected represents only a fraction of the actual number of victims, and comparisons between countries should be made with caution when testing policy shifts from one country to another.

With 521,800 cases being recorded daily in the world, the number of infections has grown the fastest this week (+ 9% compared to the previous week). After two consecutive months of decline, this percentage has increased since mid-June.

Only Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean improved their situation in relation to last week: 11% and 9% fewer cases, respectively.

The number of affected areas grew rapidly in other regions: + 62% in the US / Canada (US only advances, Canada falls), + 42% in Oceania (but with relatively few cases, 1,200 daily), + 26% in Europe, + 7% in the Middle East and 5 in Asia. %.

Very contagious
The highly contagious delta variant of the corona virus became prevalent in most parts of Europe and the United States.

Of the countries with more than 1,000 daily cases in the last seven days, these cases are the most developed country (+ 193%, 14,300 new positive per day). An exaggerated increase from July 14 is a public holiday in the country.

They are followed by Israel (+ 150%, 1,300) and Italy (+ 115%, 3,400).

In contrast, Tunisia (-40%, 4,500 new cases daily) and Namibia (-40%, 700) recorded the biggest declines this week.

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United Kingdom
The United Kingdom recorded the highest number of new epidemics this week (45,900, + 24%), followed by Indonesia (43,800, -1%) and the United States (42,900, + 63%).

Due to the incidence rate per 100,000 people, the archipelago of Fiji (834) is more affected than Cyprus (782) and Seychelles (545). England (473) and Spain (380) are also in the top ten.

Deaths per day
Indonesia has the highest number of deaths per day, at 1,263, more than Brazil (1,153) and India (1,000).

Ecuador became the nation of more than a million people this week, vaccinating fast, delivering doses to 1.75% of its population each day. They are followed by Mauritius (1.57%) and Denmark (1.30%).


JCE Chairman
Roman Jacques Lironzo, chairman of the Central Electoral Commission (JCE), announced that he was found to be in favor of the Covit-19 virus.

Through his account on the social network Twitter, he pointed out that he would store his doctors ’instructions at home, while at the same time advising the entire population to follow prevention protocols. “I make it public knowledge that I tested positive for the Govit-19 virus, which is unfortunately still a fact,” Roman Jacques said.

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