Cyberpunk 2077 attracts 1 million players daily

Cyberpunk 2077 attracts 1 million players daily

CD Project Red has determined that 1 million players are playing Cyberpunk 2077 every day this week. An impressive achievement, as the developer expressed his thanks on Twitter.

Edgerunners 1.6 became available this month which brought many improvements. In addition, it seems that the increase in the number of players is mainly due to the good reception Netflix series Edgerunners launched September 13th.

Cyberpunk 2077 has been the most controversial release in gaming as of late, and its launch in 2020 led to a lot of scenes. However, the hype was short-lived: the game was plagued with numerous bugs and glitches – which many players criticized. Temporarily withdrawn from sale on some platforms.

It’s now almost two years since launch and thanks to multiple updates and a successful Netflix show, it looks like there’s been another growth in the number of players. Over the past week, Cyberpunk has seen 2077 million players online every day. The numbers listed were consolidated across all platforms, with Steam reporting a doubling of the average number of concurrent players.

With the new version of Edgerunners 1.6, the game is said to be in the best condition it has been since its launch. Edgerunners was released on September 13th and was an amazing success for both Netflix and the game. At the time of writing, the show is on 8.6 days IMDB and yourself 100% on rotten tomatoesand thus outperforms many competing seasonal shows such as Star Wars: Andor, Rings of Power and House of the Dragon.

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Players who enter the game at this point will have a completely different experience than they did at launch. Performance issues for older consoles have been largely addressed, and 60fps mode is now also available on Xbox Series S. This month CD Projekt Red also announced an expansion for Cyberpunk 2077 called “Phantom Liberty” which will launch sometime in 2023. Edgerunners 1.6 is the last update for old generation consoles. This confirms CD Project RED that the new expansion will only be available on PCs and next-generation PCs.

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