Cryptography from Saturday, September 23, 2023 – Puzzles

Cryptography from Saturday, September 23, 2023 – Puzzles


3. The fireplace is a meeting place (9)

7. Birds they keep in England (4)

8. After the last number, we know the numbers one and two (6)

11. He has the right to eat fruit (15)

12. To keep him indoors (15)

13. High quality stone cavities (6)

14. This Costs You Your Freedom (7)

15. Very annoying (2+2+2+8)

17. Swimming is good for a Squatting Thrush (8)

18. Mold Not Sure (4)

19. Reading Victor van Amsberg’s counterpart (4+5)

my head:

1. Foreign doll model family (17)

2. A rubber piece that increases book production (10)

4. Another injury, never ending (11+5)

5. Wide-view magazines (15)

6. The right person for the right light (9+4)

9. Royal personality in water management (11)

10. Researcher (9)

16. The subject sticks his nose into (6)

Three good solution providers will receive a €20 book voucher. Solutions must be received by Scryptogram editors no later than Wednesday at 9am. By letter, postcard: PO Box 20652, 1001 NR Amsterdam; Via email:

Solution Crypto Chart as of September 16:


4. Rose-colored glasses. 6. Trench. 8. Cuddle dog. 10. Store. 11. Turn. 12. Sod and wallpaper. 14. grab; 15. United Nations Centre; 17. Human. 18. A little lime. 19. Little angel.

my head:

1. Monopoly. 2. To make a hole; 3. Granary. 5. Physical restraint; 6. Air place. 7. Basic Free. 9. Rabat. 13. The only child. 16. Exaggerations.

Book vouchers were distributed to:

Yvette Esther, The Hague; J. W. Buchen, Stevenswirt; C. and J. Vogelzang, Zoetermeer.

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© JJ Steenhuis. More puzzles

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