Most of the Corona measures will be lifted from February 25, that is, next Friday. The Cabinet will almost certainly announce it during a press conference on Tuesday, reports NOS. Only a number of basic tips, such as no handshakes, hygiene, ventilation and testing will be maintained in case of a complaint.
Mouthpieces will no longer be necessary as of the end of next week and there is no longer a need to keep them one and a half meters apart. The advice to work from home has been removed as much as possible.
In the cultural sector and the catering industry, normalcy will return sooner than expected. Businesses in these sectors are now required to close their doors at 10 p.m. Starting next Friday, it will move to 1am. A week later, the general closing times, which were in place before Corona, are back in effect.
From February 25, 1-G will apply to festivals and events where there are many people present, that is, they can be reached with a negative test.
The highly criticized Corona Entry Card (ctb) disappears in the refrigerator and will not be taken out of storage unless a situation arises where it actually has an added value. However, it is possible that CTB is still necessary for travel abroad, because other countries make this a requirement.
Incidentally, the outbreak management team (OM) agrees with the relaxation announced by the Cabinet at the end of last week. This includes the new closing date for the catering industry (1:00 a.m.) and a person infected with the virus does not have to stay at home for seven days, but five days, “provided that such person has been free of complaints for at least 24 hours”.