Climate policy is reaching its limits

Climate policy is reaching its limits

On Wednesday, Climate and Energy Minister Rob Gettin not only came up with a thick set of measures to achieve climate goals, but also from the Netherlands’ point of view. Why should the entire power system be reformed? Why are we spending 28 billion euros on climate?

In 2050, the Dutch will live in well-insulated homes, energy will be cheap, and we will be independent of countries that export oil and gas. Economics revolves around sustainable activities. Nature thrives and provides coolness in the hot summers, and thus Geten offers the Dutch an image of the future.

How do you reach this sustainable future? First of all, by achieving the climate goals in 2030, that is, a 55 percent reduction in carbon dioxide2Emissions compared to 1990. This is necessary to slow down climate change. The Netherlands hasn’t been on the right track, which is why plans are now in place to produce an additional 22 megatons of CO22Emissions must be avoided. It was decided to make pollution more costly and to continue to support sustainability.

Every sector has its role. For example, electricity production in 2030 should be 4 megatons less carbon dioxide2 fire. By that time, the industry must provide an additional 5 megatons, in addition to the already huge task ahead. Combined with transportation, transportation, the built environment, agriculture and other sectors, this adds up to 22 megatons.


will you work The government is very positive about it. “With this package, the Netherlands is doing the necessary catch-up at once,” says the Cabinet. But Jetten admits that the limits of what is possible through 2030 are starting to show.

He writes to the House of Representatives: “We have already seen that at times he creaks and creaks.” Is the necessary infrastructure ready in time? Are there enough skilled people to do the job? Were laws and regulations amended in a timely manner? What is the duration of the permits? Much remains to be done in all of these areas. Only when this is arranged will it become clear whether Jetten can carry out his plans.

The interest group VNO-NCW says many companies would like to become more sustainable, but are unable to do so. They can’t get rid of the gas and buy cleaner electrical installations because there isn’t enough space on the power grid. This needs to be expanded and this takes time.

In addition, enough green electricity and hydrogen must be provided, says the Dutch Chemical Industry Association (VNCI). VNCI sees the need to accelerate sustainability and says the chemical industry wants to invest heavily.

“But it’s hard to ask companies to do more if the first projects are already running into all kinds of bottlenecks,” says Martijn Broekhof, VNCI’s head of climate, energy, innovation and sustainability.

competitive position

Pressure is mounting on the polluting industry for the new plans. For example, the Dutch company2The tax was extended by two years and also increased. Broekhof feared that production in the Netherlands would become too expensive. “We are very concerned about the impact of the package on the competitive position, earning capacity and attractiveness of the Netherlands.”

But at the same time, the Cabinet is also working on “tailor-made agreements” with the biggest polluters. Companies that want to go green will receive support because the Cabinet wants to keep them in the Netherlands. Otherwise they go CO in other countries2 fire. “Green is better here than gray anywhere,” says the cabinet.

Nature & Environment believes the Cabinet should make a more emphatic choice to make polluters pay. But principal Marjolene Demers is happy to lay out plans anyway to bring this sustainable vision closer. “All actions that contribute to this are good news.”

Read also:

The government must fully choose to make the polluter pay.

Marjolene Demers, director of nature and environment, checks out the new climate plans. What is good, what could be better?

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