Chateau viewers: “Martine’s cute outfit at Maxime’s wedding …”

Chateau viewers: “Martine’s cute outfit at Maxime’s wedding …”

Martine in costume, to put it mildly, makes a good impression. The stunning pink theme, in hues of green, blue and yellow, is not to be missed. Plus, she’s sweaty, too. Martin noticed this very quickly. “I’m totally wet!” Shout. “from what?” Then Erica asks. “Of sweat!” Martin cries again. “terrible.”

Erica and Martin really enjoy the big day. “Everyone dresses up. Everyone does it at a wedding,” says Erica. Martien finds everything very special. “Yes, very nice.” But his other daughter, Montana, doesn’t have to marry him at the moment. “No, it’s too stressful.”

my viewers Chateau Milland Look especially at the outfit Martien is wearing. “Cute look, well…” someone replies with a sneer. Another: “Martin wants to make the bride shine.😁 He himself wears inconspicuous clothes…” Another person thought Martien was inspired by Splinter Chabot.

Meanwhile, Maxime is hardened by nerves. “I heard that pretty quickly anyway,” she says. Martine can’t even handle seeing Maxime from before. Then, of course, he will cry again, said his daughter.

In the end, the two walk into each other and love splashes off the screen. “How beautiful you are,” they say to each other. Then follows a passionate ceremony, during which many people cannot hold back tears. You can see pictures of the fairytale wedding in the video below.

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