Chairman ChristenUnie calls alliance with PVV in Flevoland unreasonable • BBB Flevoland wants to talk more with PVV, but without JA21

Chairman ChristenUnie calls alliance with PVV in Flevoland unreasonable • BBB Flevoland wants to talk more with PVV, but without JA21

Four years ago, South Holland was the province in which negotiations for a regional executive council lasted the longest, over five months. This time the county—at least at the beginning of the formation process—leads the way: explorer Fred Tiven issued his advice today. If it were up to him, the BBB, VVD, CDA, PvdA and GroenLinks would make up a council in the province which is the largest in the Netherlands by population.

The five parties mentioned by Teveen together hold 30 of the 55 seats in the county council, which is a large majority. According to Tiffin, this combination “In view of the content and relations, it can be based on a stable majority and a stable council.” As the largest party, the BBB party will take the lead in the negotiations. Teeeven recommends that you hire two informants.

Teeven also sees a second potential, right with BBB, VVD, CDA, JA21, PVV and SGP. “This alliance is not precluded by the factions that may participate in it. Other parties, according to the former foreign minister’for a number of different reasons.” There are no potential alliance partners. This HIt’s about what the other factions told me.

ANP – Explorer Fred Tiven giving advice to the South Holland District Council.

BBB party boss Hans Veentjes is happy with the advice, and wants to try the option with PvdA and GroenLinks first. “We will head down this road in advance.” As the largest party, he expects the others to “move towards us.” If not, he could also make an agreement with an alliance on the right.

It is likely that the BBB will mainly focus on weakening the nitrogen targets, for example by dropping the target date to 2030. Thus, D66 is not a realistic alliance partner, according to Vinteges. “They deal a lot with 2030.” However, PvdA and GroenLinks also attach importance to this date, and they want to make the nitrogen policy tougher on points. GroenLinks party leader Sinan Özkaya said:The BBB’s sense of reality must now be there, and that the party itself will have to make concessions.

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Martin Alberts

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