Catshuis’ very long consultation about the corona infection is over

Catshuis’ very long consultation about the corona infection is over

Tomorrow’s decisions must be made. Then there is also a press conference on Corona.


According to insiders, the discussion in Catshuis was tough earlier in the day. Due to the large number of injuries, it is now difficult to determine the location of the injury. This makes it more difficult to prove new measures. One participant spoke of “huge divisions”.

There are serious concerns about support for the new measures, and how much could be asked of people who have chosen to be vaccinated. They are proportionately responsible but account for a small portion of hospital admissions.

New record

The question is what actions the government can take in the short term. For example, a distance of 1.5 meters cannot be imposed from day to day, because this requires a change in the law. The same applies to the Corona entry ticket application in more places than is the case currently.

This leaves out measures such as early shutdown of the catering industry, placement or closing of certain sectors. According to insiders, it appears that education is not affected at the moment.

Since the afternoon consultations stopped, it has become clear that the number of infections has reached a new record. More than 16,000 people have been infected with the Corona virus during the past 24 hours.

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