Canadian truck siege threatens U.S. border bridge car industry | Abroad

Canadian truck siege threatens U.S. border bridge car industry |  Abroad

The Canadian truck drivers, who are partially blocking the important border crossing with the United States, are also of concern to the government in Washington. As the supply of auto parts stops, congestion poses a risk to the automotive industry.

“We are watching the situation closely,” said a White House spokeswoman on the third day of the siege.

The Canadian government on Wednesday said the truckers’ action was “illegal” and called on truckers to end their siege. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau cannot accept this. “Sieges and illegal demonstrations are unacceptable and have a negative impact on our companies and manufacturers,” he told parliament. “We must do everything we can to bring them to an end.”

U.S. and Canadian business groups have already protested against truck drivers’ actions and corona measures to end the blockade of the bridge that connects the Canadian province of Ontario with the U.S. state of Michigan.

This route is important for delivering auto parts to and from Detroit. Some companies claim that there are already problems with spare parts. “It is important that everyone in Canada and the United States understand the impact of this siege on workers and the supply chain,” said White House spokeswoman Jen Zaki. “We also see potential disruptions to U.S. agricultural exports from Michigan to Canada.”

Travelers and tourists

This route usually receives thousands of passengers and tourists and 8,000 lorries daily. Another is that crossing small borders is prohibited.

In the Canadian capital, Ottawa, truck drivers have been protesting for thirteen days against corona operations and vaccination duty for drivers crossing the border. Although their numbers are declining, they are still a nuisance in the center, much to the displeasure of residents. They have demanded that strict action be taken against the police who have arrested 23 people so far. Authorities are also considering summoning police.

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Hundreds of truckers have been 'occupied' in Ottawa for nearly two weeks.

Hundreds of truckers have been ‘occupied’ in Ottawa for nearly two weeks. © Getty Images

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