Cabinet and coalition continue to discuss plan against rising energy costs | Currently

Cabinet and coalition continue to discuss plan against rising energy costs |  Currently

Cabinet and coalition party leaders VVD, D66, CDA and ChristenUnie will discuss on Monday what actions they can take against rising energy costs. Consultations also took place on Sunday, but that did not lead to an agreement. According to insiders, they were talking about a price cap anyway.

If a price cap is set, companies may not charge for energy more than the set maximum price. It is almost certain that there will be no cap on the full use of energy.

The sources told her ad That people pay for average pre-war energy use in Ukraine. The current energy price will apply for additional use. Since the outbreak of the war, the price of gas has risen sharply.

Insiders were unable to confirm exactly where the border would be. The plan is very similar to the proposal put forward by the opposition parties GroenLinks and PvdA at the beginning of September. At that time, they had already suggested that the old rate of use up to 1,500 cubic meters of gas and 3,300 kWh of electricity should be applied.

Cabinet: It’s hard to do this year

Minister Rob Gettin (Climate and Energy) described the idea as “very constructive”, but warned that the measure would be difficult to implement this year. Smaller suppliers in particular will have difficulty implementing this procedure.

The government has already promised that no one will be without power this winter because they can’t pay the bill. However, the government and the coalition are still debating exactly how to arrange this. It could be through a fund or credits to energy companies, so that you don’t get into trouble if many customers start paying less.

See also  VVD members chose Eric Weitzels as the new president, against the wishes of the party board

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